Sunday, April 26, 2015

Feed my Sheep & Clean the Deep Freeze

Hello Friend,

I've missed you!  

I was on a trip to my hometown and had a lovely time.  It was one of those visits you spend looking over your shoulder for ghosts, feeling all the time as though you were missing something but never quite remembering what you forgot. I passed the days walking with my daughters, telling stories and answering questions.  It was delightful but very, very busy.

Ever had a day like that?  Perhaps a week or a fortnight?  Where you wanted to slow down, you knew you had too, but life wouldn't cooperate?  It was that kind of visit. 

My hometown sits on the sea side, sleepy yet insisting that it isn't tired, much like a child dressed for bed.  The marina is at the old town’s core and the whole town smells like the sea.  The place has grown up over the years and now boasts of new building developments, yet it is betrayed by the fact its main street is empty by 9:00 each evening.  It is simply one of the nicest places on earth.  I miss it.   

This visit, I planned to spend some time with the Lord at my favorite beach.  I seem to be collecting worries lately and was looking forward to climbing the cliff on my favorite beach to spend some time in prayer.  My version of a pilgrimage.  Another desire was to catch up with a friend whom I had not seen since last summer.  Phones are wonderful things, but nothing can replace face to face, blanket sharing, chocolate munching tea time.  I was longing for both.

One morning, I got up early in order to get my errands out of the way.  I plugged the girls into media in order to finish my tasks.  I planned to take the girls out and then have an epic tea time with my friend when I happened into a predicament.  An undetected power outage had turned a deep freeze into a murky puddle and it needed prompt attention.  The girls were more than ready for an outing yet the need was immediate.  Frantic, I called my epic tea time friend. 
“What are you doing right now?”
“Just got the baby down for his morning nap, why?”
“Because I’m desperate, I need to bring you the girls and have you entertain them.”  With those three sentences, my plans for a cozy tea time when up in smoke.  My girls were very happy to go spend time with my friend, but I have to confess I was feeling a bit sorry for myself.  How would my friend know I loved her if I couldn't make the time?  How could I make up for a year’s worth of missing someone?  The truth is I just couldn't.

I dropped my brood into my friend’s lap and ran out the door.  That afternoon was taken up with garbage bags and bleach.  I realized that my desire to get to the beach to visit with the Lord was not going to happen either.  As I was wrestling a tepid ziplocked curry, my mind happened to wander to the meeting between Peter and Jesus at the seaside after Peter’s betrayal and Jesus’ resurrection.

Jesus and Peter
When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed my lambs.” He said to him a second time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Tend my sheep.” He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep. Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will dress you and carry you where you do not want to go.” (This he said to show by what kind of death he was to glorify God.) And after saying this he said to him, “Follow me.” John 21:15-19

This commissioning of Peter paints a beautiful picture.  The disciples, out all night having caught nothing, Jesus cooking breakfast for them awaiting their return.  A conversation with a stranger at the shore, a sudden realization, a plunge into early morning water, everything about the account thrills me.  But every time I read it, I am struck by the fact that loving God means tending to others.  I’m not always interested in that.

Do you love me?  Yes Lord. I spent a wonderful evening with you.  I poured out my heart and soul, I was lavish with my time.  I prayed for 3 hours straight.

Do you love me? Yes Lord.  I have gone on a spiritual retreat every 6 months for the last 10 years.  I have come away with you.

Do you love me?  Yes.  I am neck deep in a soggy deep freeze cleaning for someone I love while my children are eating my chocolate and drinking my tea with my dear friend.   

Do you love me?  Yes.  I am here cleaning vomit and feeding someone their medication because they are sick and need help.

Which examples sound more spiritual to you?  Which examples sound more spiritual to the Lord?

Please don’t get me wrong.  We are to come away and spend time with the Jesus.  We are to be generous with our time and seek His face.  But sometimes dear friend, loving God means putting your desires for spiritual encounters on hold and tending to the needs of others.

didn't get to have my epic tea time with my friend last visit.  We were both sad and a little unimpressed. But sometimes, when you love someone, you share each other’s burdens and feed their sheep, because that is what Our Father taught us.

Praying for you this week,
